The Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome observed in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is formed by the reciprocal translocation between chromosome 9 and 22 -specifically designated as t(9;22)(q34;q11). This translocation creates an elongated chromosome 9 and a truncated chromosome 22 known as the Philadelphia chromosome; and results in the juxtaposition of the 5’ end of the BCR gene and the 3’ end of the ABL gene; generating a BCR-ABL chimeric oncogene. Different breakpoints will result in different oncogenic products differing in size. Nearly 99% of CML patients, 20-40% of adult ALL and 2-5% of pediatric ALL patients are positive for the Ph chromosome at diagnosis. Because of different breakpoints in the BCR and ABL genes, the oncoproteins coded by BCR-ABL are disease specific. The 190 KDa BCR-ABL product is observed in 60% of adult Ph positive ALL patients and in 80% of Ph positive pediatric ALL patients. The fusion between BCR exon 1 (e1) which is within the m-BCR region and ABL exon 2 (a2) results in the e1a2 chimeric gene that encodes for a 190kDa oncoprotein observed in a subset of ALL patients.